VMware | Maximizing the Zoom Experience

VMware Edge Network Intelligence™ and VMware SD-WAN™ help to maximize the Zoom experience by troubleshooting application performance by continuous monitoring and performance reporting.


The VMware Edge Network Intelligence™ (ENI) and SD-WAN integrated solution with Zoom is designed to support frictionless deployment of Zoom services in enterprise environments by providing the best out of the box experience. Using Application Inspection to recognize Zoom traffic by IP ranges and allow inspection by security frameworks without requiring configuration, Zoom traffic can be placed in a fast lane for real-time voice and video, including Zoom Phone and Cloud Room Connector (CRC) for the best experience. Zoom APIs enable deep analytics of Zoom platform traffic and adoption across the entire network, from wireless, to edge and Internet. 

SD-WAN can identify each Zoom Meeting, Phone call, Chat session and Zoom Room or Conference Room Connector among the 3000+ different workloads egressing off of a customer’s network. It can separate them from generic Internet traffic and route these packets to the closest network of cloud gateways, which then hands them off to the best peering Zoom data center location. VMware SD-WAN minimizes the distance/latency between the user and the application, delivering consistent quality of experience without compromising the security of the payload.

Read the blog: Maximize Zoom Performance with a Smart Edge and SD-WAN

Get VMware Edge Network Intelligence from the Zoom App Marketplace

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