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Top-Rated Fitness & Wellness Management Software Built for Growth

Empowering fitness & wellness businesses with all the tools and resources to attract, convert, and retain more clients.

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WellnessLiving’s FitLIVE, in synergy with Zoom, offers a dynamic solution designed to propel your business forward. With this powerful integration, you can effortlessly extend your digital reach, connect with clients who prefer virtual sessions, and unlock exciting new revenue streams.

Empower your clients with the ultimate flexibility. Our Achieve Client App allows them to attend classes right from their smartphones. No more missed workouts due to vacations or busy schedules. They can book, pay, and stay on top of their virtual classes, all within a single, user-friendly platform.

Secure sessions is another aspect where we excel. Our integrated solution grants access to classes only to authorized clients, preventing just anyone from joining your sessions. This helps to ensure a secure and exclusive experience for your clients.

Setting up FitLIVE is a breeze. Once you’ve connected your Zoom account to WellnessLiving, you can easily designate which services should go virtual in your schedule. Clients can sign up for these classes directly from your schedule, and the system takes care of the rest. The Zoom link is automatically sent to registered clients, helping to simplify the process for them.

Ultimately, what makes our partnership with Zoom stronger is the peace of mind knowing that once everything is set up, you can focus on attracting more clients and delivering exceptional experiences. Our integrated solution takes care of the technicalities, leaving you free to grow your business and engage with your clients.

Get WellnessLiving from the Zoom App Marketplace

Zoom Partner Solutions